Vivian Lan Agami

"Let's not use technology to make life easier, but to make life better."

About me

Vivian Lan Agami is the director of the SingularityU Mexico Summit in Jalisco, an initiative to promote Mexico through collaboration, to build a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. Currently gives international talks.

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About my work

Conferences and workshops

With numerous conferences around the world during the last years I have contributed to generate a culture of innovation, a focus on the future and a progressive stance in multiple sectors.

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With a training in design and art and with experience as a Montessori guide, I am convinced that education is the basis of any change and one of the greatest challenges for humanity in the 21st century.

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Singularity University

Through Singularity University we help companies and institutions to grow exponentially, to generate innovation and integrate technologies that allow them to scale.

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Social impact

Innovation with social responsibility and the use of technology to help humanity are my main engines.

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Forums and companies


¿Cómo integrar la filosofía Montessori en casa?

Martha Debayle – Entrevista

Nuevos hábitos para niños ¡10 consejos para lograrlo!

BB Mundo – Artículo

Mamás y papás: los retos de tener hijos en la actualidad

BB Mundo – Artículo

La importancia de fomentar la curiosidad en los niños

Que tal Fernanda – Entrevista

Educación consciente, el modelo educativo del Dr. Taddy Blecher

Martha Debayle – Entrevista

¿Qué es la educación consciente?

Que tal Fernanda – Entrevista

El talento más buscado | Business Class Magazine

Forbes – Entrevista, artículo

Educar hacia la felicidad, con propósito y consciencia

El Universal – Artículo

Hacia donde nos llevará el Metaverso

El Universal – Artículo


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